PAC 007 is a very early dual purpose hybrid (previously known as Booster) suitable for South Island, lower North Island and other regions where an exceptionally high yielding, early maturing maize hybrid is desired. From its excellent early growth it develops into a large bulky plant with a solid girthy ear. Very good standability and good late season plant health optimise PAC 007's yield stability providing a solid platform for silage and grain growers.
The large size and hard, flinty nature of its kernels make PAC 007 relatively slower to grain harvest maturity compared to silage maturity. Still, the high yield potential and consistency combined with a very good agronomic profile make PAC 007 the hybrid of choice in the “very early” maize market.
PAC 007 is bred by KWS.
Early Growth | |
Drought Tolerance | |
Staygreen | |
Whole Plant Digestibility | |
Total Energy | |
Stalk Strength | |
Root Strength | |
Rust Tolerance | |
Northern Leaf Blight | |
Grain Drydown |
Grain |
Silage |